No-fault Divorce from Autumn 2021

No fault divorce has now received Royal Assent and has become an Act of Parliament.

The passing of the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act comes after a lengthy and dedicated campaign from Resolution. As a member of Resolution, I am committed to using a constructive approach to family cases.

No one enters into marriage believing it will end. If the relationship does break down this new law will make it easier to apply for an Order for Divorce, bringing an end to the requirement to appoint blame on the other party. 

This will inevitably help parting couples move forward on a more civilised footing, allowing couples to focus on more important matters such as their children, and the division of finances.

Practitioners are advised this new law will come into effect from Autumn 2021.

For further information, advice or assistance concerning separation or divorce please do not hesitate to contact us.

